Warning Signs of Bullying
Warning Signs of Bullying
How do we identify if someone is affected by bullying?
Recognizing the following warning signs is the first step in standing up against bullying. It is important to talk to those who display signs of being bullied or bullying others. However, note that not all who are targeted or bullying others exhibits these signs.
Warning signs of the Targeted
• Has unexplainable injuries and/or bruises
• Has a change in eating habits
• Reports lost or destroyed clothing, books and/or stationery
• Reports difficulty sleeping
• Experiences frequent headaches and/or stomach aches
• Feeling unwell or faking illness
• Declining academic grades
• Displays school refusal
• Sudden loss of friends or isolates self
• Self-harms or talks about suicide
Warning signs of the Aggressor
• Is involved in verbal or physical fights
• Appears to often be aggressive towards others
• Reported to be competitive
• May be excessively worried about their popularity and reputation
• High disciplinary actions taken against child
• Have unexplained extra money or new belongings
• Do not accept responsibility for their actions