Types of Cyberbullying
Types of Cyberbullying
Direct Attack
Instances of cyber-attacks targeted directly at the victims

Cyber Stalking
Act of repeatedly sending threatening messages, being highly intimidating or engaging in other online activities that makes a person fear for his or her safety.
Act of intentionally excluding others from an online group.
Outing & Trickery
Sharing someone’s secrets or embarrassing information, and / or tricking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information about themselves.
Online “fighting” by posting negative messages with anger and / or vulgarities on message boards (such as those on gaming sites or blogs).
Repeatedly sending offensive, rude and insulting messages to someone via SMS, message board or social media account.
By Proxy
Manipulating others to cyberbully others

Masquerading / Impersonation
Hacking into another person’s e-mail account or social networking site to send vicious or embarrassing materials or messages to others by posing as the person.
Distributing information about another that is derogatory and untrue. Some examples include posting of such information or digitally altered photos and sending it to others such as Happy Slapping and defacing of an image.
Using cruel gossip or rumors to damage someone’s reputation or friendship with others.