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Yes, my child is involved in bullying. What is next?

Yes, my child is involved in bullying. What is next?

If you realise that your child is being involved in a bullying act, don’t ignore it. Find a quiet time to talk to your child. You can HEAC it.

H: Hear your child out. Listen without judgement.
E: Empathise with the child and provide unconditional positive regard to the encounter
A: Ask your child what they want to do about it and how you can help
C: Contact the school and follow-up on the episode

Make an appointment to see your child’s form teacher as soon as possible.
1. Decide what you want to say and what would be your desired outcome
2. Stay calm and composed at all time
3. Do not blame the teacher- he or she may be unaware of what is happening
4. Provide the precise account of the bullying episode(s)
5. Discuss on the possible outcome(s)
6. Always remember that the one conducted the act of bullying is also a child
7. You can also request to speak with the parent of the party involved

Bullying should not be accepted or ignored. In more serious cases, it can lead to bullycide (suicide resulting from bullying and the consequent depression). Therefore, parents should act swiftly to protect our children.